Mastering guerrilla warfare for your business
So it was the Melbourne Cup yesterday and Australia stops for the day to watch a bunch of horses race around a track.
Lot’s or people dressed up and looked glamorous and lots of people threw money at the bookies in order to make bets.
If you had though ahead you could have found a hat supplier (because all the ladies will be wearing hats) who sells online and has an affiliate program. Then you could have places some ads on Google or facebook and targeted women in Melbourne and sold them the hats they needed for their outfits.
OK so that’s a little left of field.
Let me give you another example…
Let’s go to America where the government shut down recently. For a full two weeks the government was closed for business. Of course when this kind of crisis happens everyone runs out and buys guns, they strip the supermarkets of food stores and start buying up survival gear.
Also Bible sales are up massively because of the crisis.
How easy do you think it would be to sell people on any of those items if you could find a supplier who was willing to pay you for some web traffic?
Perhaps that’s a little mercenary… Let’s look at one more example…
A quick search on Google trends reveals a great list of things that are either getting good traction right now or are predicted to over the next 12 months.
Google glass, smart TV, smart watches are set to take off, 3d printing & new gaming consoles means there will be new games and associated products.
let’s see…. what else…
13 of the 20 top searches are about American sporting matches so clearly people want to watch these events, watch replays or just want to support their teams…and there are programs and products for all of those opportunities.
What I am doing here is showing you what some people call ‘trend jacking’. It’s like guerrilla warfare, or guerrilla warfare for the internet. You have to be able to think fast and move fast.
Your campaigns are never going to last long but if you get good at it you can get in make a stack of money and run it until it stops making you money… in the meantime you are already well on to the next thing.
While there is some art to this, it is at its heart, a science. And it’s a science you can learn and master. It’s the same skill that really took my business from doing around $1M to growing rapidly expanding to well over $10M in the space of a couple of years.
In fact it doesn’t really matter what you are selling online.
You could be trend jacking, or you could be selling an eBook or a video training program… however you are making money you are going to need traffic to get to your desired target.
…and the best way to do that is to master media buying.
Mastering the skill of placing ads and banners
What’s the difference between betamax and VHS (now I’m showing my age) – the difference was numbers – more people bought VHS (for whatever reason) that the other.
More people bought iPods that other similar media players that did all the same things (and sometimes much more)
More people liked using Google than AOL or Yahoo and the rest is history.
If you can get the numbers there then you can make money.
The good thing about trend jacking is that there is often little or no competition before the trend takes off so if you are quick you can make a killing before the “Johnny come latelys” drag come flooding in and crowd the market.
Exactly the same thing happens in the stock market. A few sharp people make a fortune… then when the price gets high and 90% of the money to be made is already made…
Then the plebs all rush in thinking that the market is going up and invest their dollars just as the market is beginning to turn, only to catch the crash.
Then they complain that you can’t make money in the stock market.
How many people have you heard saying that you can’t make money online?
I heard a bloke the other day at a conference saying only the “gurus” make money online and they only do it by scamming people. To that I say RUBBISH.
He’s just missed the trend, missed the boat and not educated enough. Education is always the difference, that’s why I’m so passionate about educating myself and why I started an education company.
So make a plan to learn about media buying. Test some ideas with a small budget and measure everything. Then you will be on your way to mastering traffic.
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