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Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Discover The Difference Between Wild Success Online And A Fizzer...
Key Tips For Making Products That Literally Sell Themselves

Want to know the difference between a business that scrapes by and a business that takes off like a rocket? You'll know by the end of this email...
I've given this a lot of thought and so should you...
It's powerful what people can achieve when they have the motivation and the right leverage. I was just reading some information about how some regular people were able to make 6 and 7 figure incomes in less than a year... Online of course!
But not in a way you'd expect.
They all did it writing content. Some of them wrote fiction books, some wrote 'how to' information, others wrote regular articles on a certain subject to keep their fans informed, happy and motivated.
From a global point of view you really only need a tiny percentage of people to be interesting for you to be able to make a very good living.
If you get caught thinking like a local business then you are constantly fighting for the attention of a few people...
...but, shift to a global marketplace and there are so many people looking for information, help, products to buy that there is no shortage of customers.

Recommended Educational Program

If you want to get started earning online right now without a list, a website, or even a product then this training is for you. Chris Carpenter changed the online industry a few years back with his powerful affiliate marketing strategies.
Now his New training is doing it again by teaching you to cash in on the massive success of facebook and their partnership with microsoft to find hungry buyers.

There are some very simple ground rules when you are selling information online . Follow these rules and you should have no trouble making sales...
Remember this: Your customer doesn't want techniques or products they want an outcome!
You are not selling information, you are selling results.
If you can offer a tangible, measurable result that your customer can reasonably expect then you are adding real value and you'll be able to charge a premium for it.
So the question is:
What Does Your Perfect Prospect Consider To Be Valuable?
Everyone's different so each person will asses value differently...
... but if it solves their problem, get them to their goal faster or improves their lives in some way then it will be of value to them.
Have a think for a minute about your own business and your ideal customer. ..
With this understanding you can make a list of the results that your typical customer wants.
Here's some examples...
  • Do they want more clients?
  • Getting more passionate clients?
  • Taking more time off?
  • Travel with their family?
  • Kids education?
  • House paid off?
  • Feeling successful?
There are 3 factors you should be thinking about...
Incentive - the expectation of some utility or satisfaction from your product or information.
Utility - the actual satisfactory results your customer gets when they consume your information and improve their results.
Value  -  the feeling they get when they feel that the cost (of your product) far outweighed the benefit gained from using it. But this is so
You need to understand how they think, what emotions they might be experiencing and use that to find the one highest value point or motivating factor which you can them build into your product. If you can do that your product will sell itself.

Recommended Educational Program

If you want to get started earning online right now without a list, a website, or even a product then this training is for you. Chris Carpenter changed the online industry a few years back with his powerful affiliate marketing strategies.
Now his New training is doing it again by teaching you to cash in on the massive success of facebook and their partnership with microsoft to find hungry buyers.

So what is it that they really want? There are 3 kinds of results that they'll want...
  1. Mental logical result
  2. Emotional result
  3. Physical tangible result
It doesn't matter which they are after...
... if you can sell specific tangible results that they can achieve then it will be much easier for you to sell that product.
Otherwise, you're stuck in the realm of selling magic beans.Of course you can still sell magic beans but they will be a much harder sell.The point of this email is to help you make products that get up and pick up the phone and start selling themselves...
So make sure you're thinking 'tangible' and getting specific about what the highest value they are looking for.
The person who wants to find romantic relationship wants to be holding hands with another human being - not a 8 CD dating instructional program with a workbook
The person who wants to lose weight wants to see 20lbs less on the scales - not a book, set of DVDs or a diet plan.
If you want to make products that sell themselves then you need to find the hungry market first and then create the product for them by providing them the information they are looking for.
Most people wrongly believe that they should take everything they know and cram it into a book or video and sell it...
This is totally backwards!
The problem with this approach is that it is focused on you; not the customer (and who's doing the buying here?)
In fact, to revise what I just said - you need to find what they are looking for and provide them 'the result'.
If you can do that they will fall over themselves trying to give you their money.
If you do your research right, you'll automatically find the details of what they want, what their pain is and how to fix it..
...And when it comes time to write the sales letter, if you can write about their problem and their pain better than they can explain it...
they will instantly assume you know the solution (which you probably do at this point) and this will make you an instant expert.
So have a think about how you came to your product, your service or your business and see if it fits the bill for a product that will sell itself.

Monday, 29 July 2013

Google's Latest Slap & Why Its Not Likely To Negatively Affect Your Business

Straight up I have to hit you with this disclaimer: Although we spend a lot of time teaching the fundamentals of starting a web business, this post is about more advanced concepts (which you would do well to consider even if you are a beginner)...

You see good business practices online means that you have to pay attention to the metrics of your business, and while there are marketers all around the world right now sweating... in fear of losing their business overnight because of Google's latest changes, our small Australian company is here telling the big boys "not to sweat it!"...

Why? Because our metrics are telling us that it's not that big a deal...

One thing you come to learn when you are making money online is that things can change incredibly fast.... Sometimes it's the sheer number of people who are out there developing new products, new tools, new ideas...

Other times it's big changes from companies like Google.

You have to be prepared to roll with the punches and make changes on the fly. Sometimes you have a business one day and you wake up in the morning to find that it's gone.

Let me give you an example...

Some years ago there were lots of people making money promoting diet pills and dieting products. Then overnight Google made changes in who could advertise and how they advertised inside their ad platform and over night they were all gone! Basically it was designed to weed out all the small promoters.

Later they orchestrated a similar assault on the financial industry, closely followed by even more policy changes designed to eliminate all affiliates (those who make money promoting other people's products).
It became known as the 'Google Slap'
Recommended Business ModelMaryEllen Tribby is a master of the Inbox Magazine Business Model. She has created a detailed program to guide you through every step of creating an online business capable of making 5 figures a month and taking just 2-4 hours a week to run. So simple anyone can do it and make a great living working from anywhere in the world.
CLICK HERE To Watch Her Free Detailed Video Presentation to Discover More Now

I remember the day when we got the email from Google saying they had closed our advertising account because of 'policy changes'.

Overnight we went from doing great to disaster.

Google had slapped us.

However we are very good at rolling with the punches and after a short time we found other ways to generate traffic that were so much better than Google - we escaped the Google generated myth that Google is the only source of traffic.

Actually Google represents only about 6% of global web traffic and we were able to hunt down how to access the rest.

In the long run it worked out great because we became 'slap' proof (or that's what we thought...)

Why am I telling you this?

Last week Google did it again.

Gmail users all over the world woke up one morning to find that Gmail had implemented a folder system which separates out your inbox into 3 main folders.

Primary (what Google decides is important to you),
Social (everything related to Facebook, Youtube, Google+ etc), and
You could practically hear the silent screams from marketers all over the world.
Of course there are always some people that get your details and abuse the privilege but in most cases people subscribe to things because they want the information to help them improve their lives.

Now these messages are getting filtered so that you are not getting the information you actually wanted in the first place.

Google is trying to 'slap' the marketers but is actually 'slapping' genuine people who are trying to get the information they need to improve their lives.

 When we woke up that morning our first thought was 'Oh No - that's going to cause some trouble. Google's got an itchy slapping hand again...'

...but I want to take the pressure off.

Recommended Business ModelMaryEllen Tribby is a master of the Inbox Magazine Business Model. She has created a detailed program to guide you through every step of creating an online business capable of making 5 figures a month and taking just 2-4 hours a week to run. So simple anyone can do it and make a great living working from anywhere in the world.This business model is a critical part of our business which is why we recommend it so highly!
CLICK HERE to Watch MaryEllen's Video Explaining Her Profit System FREE

I want to share a little 'intel' which should make you feel better if you are using email to communicate with your customers.

You see, we use a very high end email marketing system...

And when I say 'High end' I mean that It's the kind of system used by major household name international corporations... 

and it costs a fortune...BUT

It gives amazing and powerful marketing intelligence and email stats. Way beyond what most people have access to and it revealed some interesting information that I thought that I'd share with you (to set your mind to rest).

When this slap happened we immediately looked at how many of our subscribers used Gmail (had a Gmail address as their email account) and it looked like this:

Gmail - 21%
Yahoo - 12%
Microsoft/Hotmail - 23%

...and if you only look at these stats you'd crap yourself thinking that 1/5 of your subscribers are now much less likely to see your messages... 

but when you start to look a little deeper... 

we see that those emails are read on the following platforms:

Gmail - 2.5%
Yahoo! - 5%
Windows Live - 4%

iPhone Mail - 25%
iPad Mail - 12%
Android - 4%

Outlook - 29%
Apple Mail - 6%

Now the latest Gmail app does do the same filtering...

...but considering that when you set up a new iPhone it asks you to enter your email address and it sets up email for you using the native iPhone email reader, very few iPhone users are actually using the Gmail app.

So what does all this mean?

Well when you boil it down from the intel our system is providing in real time...

...the number of actual Gmail users who are affected by these latest changes is quite small, and with well chosen copy and some testing you can get filtered into the Primary Inbox a lot of the time anyway.

The absolute worst case scenario is that if none of your Gmail users ever check the promotions tab then your readership may go down as much as 6%

If you are using email to stay in touch with your subscribers or customers it's a pain but it's probably not going to really affect your business. It's more going to annoy the people who have requested your stuff and may now be missing it.

Of course if you are one of the people that uses the Gmail app or you go right to Gmail itself to get your emails then you should take a second right now to make sure you get our emails by following these simple instructions...

 Log in to your Gmail

Open the Promotions tab and see if our emails are in there (it seems that some are some are not)
and drag one of the emails to the Primary tab...

When you have done this there will be a little pop up box asking if you want to do this will all our emails.

Just click the YES link.

Finally to make double sure Google doesn't slap you or us... click the little arrow on the left to make it turn yellow...

That simple step will take less than 10 seconds and will ensure that you never miss out on any of our emails again which is important since we are have some really important information planned over the next few weeks that will help you make more money online.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Discover a Business Model Designed To Create a 5 Figure Income In Just 2-4 Hours A Week

I’ve been saving this post for a few reasons.
MaryEllen Tribby – The Inbox Magazine Master
The biggest of which is that I was waiting for one of my mentors to reopen her doors and start letting people into her training program again…
Why, because as an online business system this one is awesome!
Here are just some of the reasons why this is my favorite online business model:
It takes just a handful of hours a week (in fact there are ways you can tweak the system to take even less )
She has made a video for you to watch which tells more about the system than I can. Watch It Here Now.
It’s simple enough for anyone to do with minimal technical expertise… in fact once you’ve set it up it’s as simple as writing a word document.
There are several “tweaks” to the basic business plan which can be used to suit your personality and how you want to run your business so that it keeps you happy an interested..
… some of which mean that you don’t even need to write the content yourself…
and most importantly it’s incredibly profitable…
In fact it’s the same business model that’s used by Agora (which is the largest publisher of Newsletters and Subscriber information in the world…
it’s a business model that produced Agora over $300Million dollars a year!
Now when it comes to knowing how to make this business model work and work well there’s only one person in the world who is the hands down expert in this field.
It’s called the inbox magazine model and when it comes to heavyweights in this field she is the 500 pound Gorilla of inbox magazines…
(don’t tell her I called her that though, I’ll be in trouble! Hehehe)
MaryEllen Tribby has worked for Forbes-Inc, Agora & Weiss research which are all giants of the information publishing industry…
…and she helped Weiss research (for example) to grow from $11M to $67M in sales in just under 12 months.
Now obviously they are were already huge and most people are not interested in becoming an industry giant, however…
After realising that she was missing out on her children growing up (because she was always at work) she developed a way to use the same system to start a smaller version of the same business and make it a success.
She worked out how to start her first inbox magazine and turn it into a 5 figure monthly income working just 2 to 4 hours a week.
If You Want To Find Out How To Start And Quickly Grow You Own Inbox Magazine Click Here And Watch The Video Which Explains All
Now I paid MaryEllen a small fortune for her to show me how to replicate what she did so I can tell you from the inside that she is brilliant…
…and her training is incredible for anyone wanting to earn this kind of money in just 2 to 4 hours a week. It was well worth the small fortune I paid (seriously I could have bought a car for that amount of money!)
Now I’m not telling you this to brag or anything like that – I just need you to realise that her information is that powerful and valuable…
…and if you can imagine what your life would be like working just 2 to 4 hours a week yet making 5 figures a month, leaving you a ton of time to be with your kids, do the things you’ve always wanted to do…
then you know what I’m talking about!
Now… I’ve got some good news for you…
You don’t have to pay a fortune to learn the ins and outs of her model. Why?
Because she finally decided to take my advice and turn it into a product and share it with the world.
I’ve already had a look through it and it’s seriously jam packed with all the steps, training videos and resources you need to start, grow and prosper from your own inbox magazine.
She reveals all her proprietary tricks for making your business work (yes the same tricks she used to grow Weiss research, Early to Rise (another inbox magazine she grew massively) and Working Moms Only – her first magazine to achieve huge success.
… now if you’re astute you will have notices one key word in that last sentence…
Yes MaryEllen has more than one magazine running now – what can I say, she’s a ‘go getter’… and when your business profits in just a few hours a week then you have to work out what you’re going to do with all your spare time…
Her answer to that problem was to start another one and create a second stream of income…
Why not eh? Makes sense to me.
The only thing better than having a business that produces a 5 figure a month income… is having two of them (*grin*)
You need to go to her website and watch her presentation – she has set up a video which explains everything you need to know about this business model and how to get started with your own inbox magazine.
Click this link now and take a few minutes to change your life: Watch Her Free Video Here

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Money Making Machines and how to use the Mobile Tsunami to Replace Your Income.

If you saw the post I wrote on Tuesday you’ll have got the big picture around what’s happening in the mobile marketing world.
Basically gist is this…
It’s Big! It’s Pretty Pretty Big!
I mean it’s obvious right?
Who doesn't have a mobile phone?
Even kids have them and are using them every day. Most people couldn't live without them…
“They” recon that there are now more mobile phones than people! … I’m not quite sure how that one works… but let’s just say… there are a lot!
…and there is a lot of activity on the internet on them.
Like I mentioned on Tuesday Apple and Samsung have started adding NFC (Near field communication) chips to their phones which I’m predicting is going to eventually take over from credit cards for daily transactions.
You know I love to make predictions and I’m foreseeing that wallets will soon be a thing of the past as NFC makes it possible to pay for transactions with your Phone,
…There are already programs underway which run loyalty cards via a Smartphone app (for participating outlets).
Once they move Medicare and your drivers license over to some sort of app we’re done!  If you own shares in a wallet manufacturing company – sell now!
The silver lining for the astute online entrepreneur (that’s you) is that mobile advertising is getting more and more targeted.
…and because it’s such a personal device I reckon that there’s still less advertising blindness than on the laptop or telly.
The two criteria I see are going to work really well together for online business in the future is this: Mobile advertising & phone credit purchases…
What do I mean by that?
Let me give you an example: There are companies out these that sell mobile phone ringtones so when your phone rings it can ring with the latest pop song, or the star wars “empire’ theme or a goat bleating (or whatever)…
When you sign up to these services they don’t ask for your credit card they just bill your mobile phone account (and you get the bill at the end of the month)…
It’s the same as Amazon or Apple storing your credit card so that when a customer sees something that they want…1clickordering
… it’s just “click – blam!” they’re billed and you’re a little richer (if it’s your product that sold)
So when the train comes barreling toward you do you stand in the tracks and try to push it back, or do you hitch your caboose to it and take the ride?
Now obviously these companies are juggernauts – they’re massive and we’re not going to doing anything with our simple information product that will ever come close to making that much money…
But that’s just a distraction – how much do you really need?
When you jump aboard the Amazon or Apple train it might be a bit like hobo’s hopping a rail car…
… but when you think about the numbers of people you are accessing by creating an information product and selling it via one of these online monsters…
…You are putting yourself in front of one of the richest sources of traffic and buyers anywhere.
You don’t need to make Billions…
Imagine a life where you made 2 or 3 times what you are making in your job right now… but you didn’t have to work 40 hours a week for it…
Your goal should be just to replace your income and give yourself time.
Time to do the things that you want to do, time to play with your family and friends, time to stop and smell the roses, enjoy life and remember what it is like to be you without all the stress.
In the face of bills, school fees and the rising cost of living sometimes it hard to remember what life is all about… but this is the cure…
So what do you need to do?
Do some research – find out what people are looking for…
Make a list of the things that you are expert in, good at or even just interested in (and are willing to do some research and compile the data).
Then choose a subject, do some research and compile the data into some kind of readable, consumable format…
…then list it on one of the platforms that are already set up to sell it…
Yes, yes… of course there’s more to it than that…
…but in the scheme of things these are minor details which you can either figure out along the way or you can pay someone else to do for you.
It’s hard sometimes to see people with skills and information that I know people would pay for get stopped by minor details like how to list their book on Amazon or Apple.
There are thousands of people online overseas who would happily accept a couple of hundred bucks to format, create and list  your eBook or audio or video training and set it up ready to make sales and make you money.
…Which just leaves you time to work out what the next one will be about…
If each one you did made you just $200 a month… how many would you do?
Obviously there’s no guarantee that each project will do exactly that, some may do less some may do more but one thing’s for sure if you don’t create any you definitely won’t get paid for it.
We are creating a training around exactly how to do this which be available soon… we’ll let you know in due course but in the meantime just make a start…

Check out this article on the original site and tell us what you reckon about it here:

How to get on board with the next big wave of money making machines

Huge scientifically precise cash sucking machines that are designed to force people to spend.

Looking back with 2020 hindsight there are many places in my life where I could say “if only blah blah” or “If I’d have only blah blah…” then things would be even better that they are now…
…I’m sure we all have right…
If you could go back in time  and tell yourself “buy this share now…” or “buy property now and as much as you can …” then we’d all be rich, happy and without regrets…
So when you come across a blossoming market that still has plenty of room left in it for growth you want to sit up and pay attention right?
…You want to make sure you learn whatever you need to know to be able to get in on it and make your money before it becomes saturated and every man and his dog try and jump on the bandwagon.
The thing is that there are a few such waves happening right now and a few that are getting ready to take off if only we can work out a way to get in on them… and they are literally going to be the future of money, and the way we spend.
So the question is do you want to watch these trends take off with amazement or do you want to do the work to position yourself for the best ride of your life?
Ok Ok…
I’m teasing you I know!
Let me share a little of my thoughts from this weekend… by sharing a few key points in order to form a picture…
Here they are…
-Part of the reason Amazon and Apple does so well is because they store all of their clients credit card details on their system…
-along with that critical information they also store your searching and buying habits which gives them huge ammunition to be able to target incredibly specific offers to you which are designed to make you want to spend money with them…
-This is also where facebook and Google comes in because they also both store a lot of information about what you
shopping-apps-366x251like and spend time searching for…
-Finally with these two things together they make the purchase process as slippery as possible with nice big happy looking one click to buy buttons.
-(actually millions have been spent testing the colour, shape, size and exact text of these kind of BUY NOW buttons
-It’s the same reason that credit cards have started to use NFC (Near field communication) that’s the thing where you have a chip in your card so you can just wave your card near the reader and your get the one that more people actually click!)
-The easier it is for you to spend the more you will spend!
-It’s also reason why casino’s exchange your cash for coloured chips – that way you’ll be disassociated with the real value and you won’t notice you’re blowing your next month’s  mortgage payments.
-Mobile payment solutions are about to take off in a whole new way and already according to Google there are more mobile phones than there are dunnies in the world – people have mobile phones in areas where there are famines and food is hard to come by…
-A recent Deloitte report predicts that inside of 5 years 2.5 Billion People will purchase $170 Billon worth of stuff via mobile.
-Already apple and Samsung are starting to incorporate NFC devices into the latest mobile phones so that they can they can in time be use as a kind of credit card like the “tap and go” cards on the market today…
So… what does all this mean for you and I?
All these bits of information to me form a kind of picture of things to come, and while I’m not about to start the next Apple or Amazon there are gaps in this picture that look like opportunity to me.
The biggest opportunity is this:
All of these platforms are looking to make buying via mobile as easy as possible… but what are they selling?
Well that’s where you come in…

Recommended Educational Package

Info Cash – Developed by Chris Carpenter who is an expert in making money online – with no product, no website and no list. Chris’s system will guide you to be able to set up effective advertising campaigns to control the flow of traffic to other peoples products so that you make the commission for the sale (and they deal with all the customer service and headaches)

Companies like Amazon and even Apple have set up platforms selling information and entertainment in the form of eBooks, Audio, Video, Apps, physical products and online services.
Companies like Google Facebook and Bing sell access to the market intelligence about what people are buying and also provide a way for you to market directly to the target audience of any given interest.
So you can see a picture building up here but I want to break this down for you to make this as simple as possible…
1. they are desperate for information which you can provide for them (and they will happily sell as many as they can for you because the more you sell the more you both make.)
2. You can easily find the people from all over the world who want to know about the information that you are selling… and then Sell it to them :)
Now this might sound over simplified but sometimes you have to ignore the big picture and focus on the bit you can do….
In this case…
There are more mobile phones than there are desktops and laptops now…
These platforms are focused on making it as easy for mobile phone owners to spend money….
With the right product you can get access to the biggest marketplace the world has ever seen with the lowest resistance to buying ever created for any product delivery system…. ever!
Compare the old days when you had to get in the car to drive down to the shops, when you had to go into your local bank branch to get cash out because they were the only ones who could verify your signature, compare having to go into your local store in the hope that they had the thing would solve your problem…
Yep. Remember the old days?
Now compare that to getting on your phone, doing a search for what you want, finding the answer in seconds and clicking the button (once) to instantly download the bit of information or entertainment, the book, the audio, the  video that helps you solve your problem…
The point I’m ultimately making here is this: The movement of money is getting faster and faster and if you position yourself right you can get more of it, quicker than ever before.
The systems are there – you just have to make sure your educated to take advantage of it.