Money Making Machines and how to use the Mobile Tsunami to Replace Your Income.
If you saw the post I wrote on Tuesday you’ll have got the big picture around what’s happening in the mobile marketing world.
Basically gist is this…
It’s Big! It’s Pretty Pretty Big!
I mean it’s obvious right?
Who doesn't have a mobile phone?
Even kids have them and are using them every day. Most people couldn't live without them…
“They” recon that there are now more mobile phones than people! … I’m not quite sure how that one works… but let’s just say… there are a lot!
…and there is a lot of activity on the internet on them.
Like I mentioned on Tuesday Apple and Samsung have started adding NFC (Near field communication) chips to their phones which I’m predicting is going to eventually take over from credit cards for daily transactions.
You know I love to make predictions and I’m foreseeing that wallets will soon be a thing of the past as NFC makes it possible to pay for transactions with your Phone,
…There are already programs underway which run loyalty cards via a Smartphone app (for participating outlets).
Once they move Medicare and your drivers license over to some sort of app we’re done! If you own shares in a wallet manufacturing company – sell now!
The silver lining for the astute online entrepreneur (that’s you) is that mobile advertising is getting more and more targeted.
…and because it’s such a personal device I reckon that there’s still less advertising blindness than on the laptop or telly.
The two criteria I see are going to work really well together for online business in the future is this: Mobile advertising & phone credit purchases…
What do I mean by that?
Let me give you an example: There are companies out these that sell mobile phone ringtones so when your phone rings it can ring with the latest pop song, or the star wars “empire’ theme or a goat bleating (or whatever)…
When you sign up to these services they don’t ask for your credit card they just bill your mobile phone account (and you get the bill at the end of the month)…
It’s the same as Amazon or Apple storing your credit card so that when a customer sees something that they want…
… it’s just “click – blam!” they’re billed and you’re a little richer (if it’s your product that sold)
So when the train comes barreling toward you do you stand in the tracks and try to push it back, or do you hitch your caboose to it and take the ride?
Now obviously these companies are juggernauts – they’re massive and we’re not going to doing anything with our simple information product that will ever come close to making that much money…
But that’s just a distraction – how much do you really need?
When you jump aboard the Amazon or Apple train it might be a bit like hobo’s hopping a rail car…
… but when you think about the numbers of people you are accessing by creating an information product and selling it via one of these online monsters…
…You are putting yourself in front of one of the richest sources of traffic and buyers anywhere.
You don’t need to make Billions…
Imagine a life where you made 2 or 3 times what you are making in your job right now… but you didn’t have to work 40 hours a week for it…
Your goal should be just to replace your income and give yourself time.
Time to do the things that you want to do, time to play with your family and friends, time to stop and smell the roses, enjoy life and remember what it is like to be you without all the stress.
In the face of bills, school fees and the rising cost of living sometimes it hard to remember what life is all about… but this is the cure…
So what do you need to do?
Do some research – find out what people are looking for…
Make a list of the things that you are expert in, good at or even just interested in (and are willing to do some research and compile the data).
Then choose a subject, do some research and compile the data into some kind of readable, consumable format…
…then list it on one of the platforms that are already set up to sell it…
Yes, yes… of course there’s more to it than that…
…but in the scheme of things these are minor details which you can either figure out along the way or you can pay someone else to do for you.
It’s hard sometimes to see people with skills and information that I know people would pay for get stopped by minor details like how to list their book on Amazon or Apple.
There are thousands of people online overseas who would happily accept a couple of hundred bucks to format, create and list your eBook or audio or video training and set it up ready to make sales and make you money.
…Which just leaves you time to work out what the next one will be about…
If each one you did made you just $200 a month… how many would you do?
Obviously there’s no guarantee that each project will do exactly that, some may do less some may do more but one thing’s for sure if you don’t create any you definitely won’t get paid for it.
We are creating a training around exactly how to do this which be available soon… we’ll let you know in due course but in the meantime just make a start…
Check out this article on the original site and tell us what you reckon about it here:
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