How to get on board with the next big wave of money making machines
Huge scientifically precise cash sucking machines that are designed to force people to spend.
Looking back with 2020 hindsight there are many places in my life where I could say “if only blah blah” or “If I’d have only blah blah…” then things would be even better that they are now…
…I’m sure we all have right…
If you could go back in time and tell yourself “buy this share now…” or “buy property now and as much as you can …” then we’d all be rich, happy and without regrets…
So when you come across a blossoming market that still has plenty of room left in it for growth you want to sit up and pay attention right?
…You want to make sure you learn whatever you need to know to be able to get in on it and make your money before it becomes saturated and every man and his dog try and jump on the bandwagon.
The thing is that there are a few such waves happening right now and a few that are getting ready to take off if only we can work out a way to get in on them… and they are literally going to be the future of money, and the way we spend.
So the question is do you want to watch these trends take off with amazement or do you want to do the work to position yourself for the best ride of your life?
Ok Ok…
I’m teasing you I know!
Let me share a little of my thoughts from this weekend… by sharing a few key points in order to form a picture…
Here they are…
-Part of the reason Amazon and Apple does so well is because they store all of their clients credit card details on their system…-along with that critical information they also store your searching and buying habits which gives them huge ammunition to be able to target incredibly specific offers to you which are designed to make you want to spend money with them…-This is also where facebook and Google comes in because they also both store a lot of information about what youlike and spend time searching for…
-Finally with these two things together they make the purchase process as slippery as possible with nice big happy looking one click to buy buttons.-(actually millions have been spent testing the colour, shape, size and exact text of these kind of BUY NOW buttons
-It’s the same reason that credit cards have started to use NFC (Near field communication) that’s the thing where you have a chip in your card so you can just wave your card near the reader and your get the one that more people actually click!)-The easier it is for you to spend the more you will spend!-It’s also reason why casino’s exchange your cash for coloured chips – that way you’ll be disassociated with the real value and you won’t notice you’re blowing your next month’s mortgage payments.-Mobile payment solutions are about to take off in a whole new way and already according to Google there are more mobile phones than there are dunnies in the world – people have mobile phones in areas where there are famines and food is hard to come by…-A recent Deloitte report predicts that inside of 5 years 2.5 Billion People will purchase $170 Billon worth of stuff via mobile.-Already apple and Samsung are starting to incorporate NFC devices into the latest mobile phones so that they can they can in time be use as a kind of credit card like the “tap and go” cards on the market today…
So… what does all this mean for you and I?
All these bits of information to me form a kind of picture of things to come, and while I’m not about to start the next Apple or Amazon there are gaps in this picture that look like opportunity to me.
The biggest opportunity is this:
All of these platforms are looking to make buying via mobile as easy as possible… but what are they selling?
Well that’s where you come in…
Recommended Educational Package
Info Cash – Developed by Chris Carpenter who is an expert in making money online – with no product, no website and no list. Chris’s system will guide you to be able to set up effective advertising campaigns to control the flow of traffic to other peoples products so that you make the commission for the sale (and they deal with all the customer service and headaches)
Companies like Amazon and even Apple have set up platforms selling information and entertainment in the form of eBooks, Audio, Video, Apps, physical products and online services.
Companies like Google Facebook and Bing sell access to the market intelligence about what people are buying and also provide a way for you to market directly to the target audience of any given interest.
So you can see a picture building up here but I want to break this down for you to make this as simple as possible…
1. they are desperate for information which you can provide for them (and they will happily sell as many as they can for you because the more you sell the more you both make.)
2. You can easily find the people from all over the world who want to know about the information that you are selling… and then Sell it to them 
Now this might sound over simplified but sometimes you have to ignore the big picture and focus on the bit you can do….
In this case…
There are more mobile phones than there are desktops and laptops now…
These platforms are focused on making it as easy for mobile phone owners to spend money….
With the right product you can get access to the biggest marketplace the world has ever seen with the lowest resistance to buying ever created for any product delivery system…. ever!
Compare the old days when you had to get in the car to drive down to the shops, when you had to go into your local bank branch to get cash out because they were the only ones who could verify your signature, compare having to go into your local store in the hope that they had the thing would solve your problem…
Yep. Remember the old days?
Now compare that to getting on your phone, doing a search for what you want, finding the answer in seconds and clicking the button (once) to instantly download the bit of information or entertainment, the book, the audio, the video that helps you solve your problem…
The point I’m ultimately making here is this: The movement of money is getting faster and faster and if you position yourself right you can get more of it, quicker than ever before.
The systems are there – you just have to make sure your educated to take advantage of it.
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