Discover a Business Model Designed To Create a 5 Figure Income In Just 2-4 Hours A Week
I’ve been saving this post for a few reasons.
MaryEllen Tribby – The Inbox Magazine Master
The biggest of which is that I was waiting for one of my mentors to reopen her doors and start letting people into her training program again…
Why, because as an online business system this one is awesome!
Here are just some of the reasons why this is my favorite online business model:
It takes just a handful of hours a week (in fact there are ways you can tweak the system to take even less )
She has made a video for you to watch which tells more about the system than I can. Watch It Here Now.
It’s simple enough for anyone to do with minimal technical expertise… in fact once you’ve set it up it’s as simple as writing a word document.
There are several “tweaks” to the basic business plan which can be used to suit your personality and how you want to run your business so that it keeps you happy an interested..
… some of which mean that you don’t even need to write the content yourself…
and most importantly it’s incredibly profitable…
In fact it’s the same business model that’s used by Agora (which is the largest publisher of Newsletters and Subscriber information in the world…
it’s a business model that produced Agora over $300Million dollars a year!
Now when it comes to knowing how to make this business model work and work well there’s only one person in the world who is the hands down expert in this field.
It’s called the inbox magazine model and when it comes to heavyweights in this field she is the 500 pound Gorilla of inbox magazines…
(don’t tell her I called her that though, I’ll be in trouble! Hehehe)
MaryEllen Tribby has worked for Forbes-Inc, Agora & Weiss research which are all giants of the information publishing industry…
…and she helped Weiss research (for example) to grow from $11M to $67M in sales in just under 12 months.
Now obviously they are were already huge and most people are not interested in becoming an industry giant, however…
After realising that she was missing out on her children growing up (because she was always at work) she developed a way to use the same system to start a smaller version of the same business and make it a success.
She worked out how to start her first inbox magazine and turn it into a 5 figure monthly income working just 2 to 4 hours a week.
If You Want To Find Out How To Start And Quickly Grow You Own Inbox Magazine Click Here And Watch The Video Which Explains All
Now I paid MaryEllen a small fortune for her to show me how to replicate what she did so I can tell you from the inside that she is brilliant…
…and her training is incredible for anyone wanting to earn this kind of money in just 2 to 4 hours a week. It was well worth the small fortune I paid (seriously I could have bought a car for that amount of money!)
Now I’m not telling you this to brag or anything like that – I just need you to realise that her information is that powerful and valuable…
…and if you can imagine what your life would be like working just 2 to 4 hours a week yet making 5 figures a month, leaving you a ton of time to be with your kids, do the things you’ve always wanted to do…
then you know what I’m talking about!
Now… I’ve got some good news for you…
You don’t have to pay a fortune to learn the ins and outs of her model. Why?
Because she finally decided to take my advice and turn it into a product and share it with the world.
I’ve already had a look through it and it’s seriously jam packed with all the steps, training videos and resources you need to start, grow and prosper from your own inbox magazine.
She reveals all her proprietary tricks for making your business work (yes the same tricks she used to grow Weiss research, Early to Rise (another inbox magazine she grew massively) and Working Moms Only – her first magazine to achieve huge success.
… now if you’re astute you will have notices one key word in that last sentence…
Yes MaryEllen has more than one magazine running now – what can I say, she’s a ‘go getter’… and when your business profits in just a few hours a week then you have to work out what you’re going to do with all your spare time…
Her answer to that problem was to start another one and create a second stream of income…
Why not eh? Makes sense to me.
The only thing better than having a business that produces a 5 figure a month income… is having two of them (*grin*)
You need to go to her website and watch her presentation – she has set up a video which explains everything you need to know about this business model and how to get started with your own inbox magazine.
Click this link now and take a few minutes to change your life: Watch Her Free Video Here
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